Bad Neighbors, Bad Neighborhoods by Myron Weiner

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1.       Global television has made us all witnesses to events that in the past might have gone unnoticed 

2.     National self-interests are at stake if there is reason to expect a large influx of refugees and asylum seekers, or if there is a high probability that the internal conflict will result in a wider regional war 

3.     Steps taken by a government to provide for its security may be construed by others as hostile, thereby provoking a response that leaves both sides less secure 

4.     There are two new security dilemmas in addressing conflicts within states
a.     steps taken by the government of a refugee-receiving country to change the conditions within a refugee-generating country may provoke the latter government (or its opponents) to respond in ways that further increase the insecurity of the former
b.    intervention in another country's conflicts may become a highly divisive and destabilizing domestic political issue
                                          i.    because it is often uncertain whether there is a threat
                                         ii.    because the costs of intervention may be high and unpredictable
                                        iii.    because it is usually unclear whether the government can have any influence over the conflict